Useful Information – The Seasons, Weather, Glossary, Plant Families, Spacing Guide and Harvesting Timeline
- A bank of useful information which can be used alongside any of my online courses, books or web pages.
- It contains:
- Information on the seasons and weather
- A comprehensive glossary of gardening terms that I use, explained in a few words
- A table showing which vegetables belong to which plant family
- A table with detailed spacing information for a wide range of vegetables
- A harvesting timeline detailing the main months for sowing and harvesting
- The glossary, plant family information, spacing guide and harvesting timeline can all be downloaded as PDF’s.
The Seasons
I give timings of garden jobs, both by month and by season. The latter is to provide context for those of you in different climates, and in the Southern Hemisphere*.
In my mentions of the four seasons, the months I include in each are shown below. My explanations are to define their gardening characteristics and the main seasonal jobs. Understanding how each season differs really helps you to be a good gardener, for example knowing their differences in light levels as well as in temperature.
Further down are details of each season’s weather at Homeacres, which you can compare to the weather in your area. Knowing the likely weather will improve your success rate, a lot!
*We have created a downloadable calendar of sowings for the Southern Hemisphere.
Spring: March, April and May

Growth begins for new sowings, or resumes for perennial pants, and many weed seeds germinate. The main growth is of leaves.
Initially, growth is slow for plants starting from seed because they need to establish roots as well.
Spring is the best time to benefit from perennial vegetables, which have already established. Overwintered roots of all plants, if biennial or perennial, grow leaves followed by flowering stalks, as a prelude to setting seeds.
- A time for many new sowings, throughout spring.
- Use covers on new plantings in early spring, for weather protection and pests.
- Prepare new beds, if you need them.
- Watch for new weed growth – hoe or rake annual weeds as soon as you see tiny seedlings, and keep removing new shoots of perennial weeds.
Summer: June, July and August

Growth in summer is now considerably faster. This time of maximum plant activity also needs to be the time of your maximum activity!
Plants give harvests of leaf, fruit, root and seed.
Insect pests become common, and weed growth also peaks through these months.
You can add a lot of materials to compost heaps; perhaps turn a heap as well.
- There are many harvests.
- Replant as soon as space is clear, on the same day if possible, and/or interplant.
- Be on time with new sowings, different for each vegetable, especially those of late summer.
- No need for bed prep with no dig, nor for much feeding or weeding; however, stay in control of weeds.
- Cover against insects where appropriate.
Autumn: September, October and November

Every day there is a noticeable decrease in light, but growth continues strongly until late October, thanks to residual warmth. Also because, in many cases, plants are already quite large, meaning they have established root networks to power more growth.
Make the most of autumn’s possibilities, even in the decreasing day length.
Sowings you made in summer, together with new ones made now, result in a full garden until almost the onset of winter.
Autumn is almost as busy as summer – you continue to plant, and take many harvests.
Your compost heaps keep increasing in volume and you can turn older heaps, just once.
- Last sowings of leaf vegetables for winter, under cover especially.
- There are still plantings to make, ahead of winter.
- There are many harvests to secure and store.
- There is soil preparation ahead of winter and spring, which is rapid with no dig.
Winter: December, January and February

Winter sees you eating small but welcome fresh harvests and a lot of stored produce, as well as planning for the year ahead.
There is still preparation for spring, depending how much you achieved in late autumn.
- Finish clearing any remains of harvested vegetables, rake beds level and cover with compost.
- Mulch paths with woody material, and tidy edges around your plot or garden.
- Monitor your stored vegetables to discard any rotting ones, and enjoy the rest!
- Sow a few seeds, but not before late winter and under cover only.

Weather is all-important and affects everything. It means that your experience of one year will not replicate in the following year! This can be aggrieving because you might think, ‘Now I know how to grow celery’, until the following year a different weather pattern means you don’t succeed in the same way. This is the ‘colour’ of weather, which varies wildly within the climatic averages.
Respect those averages, while expecting some extremes. Become familiar with your weather! As a gardener, this will happen, but keep some records too because memory plays tricks.
- Weather varies so much that I catch myself thinking, ‘Wow, this was such an unusual day/month/year of weather!’ when actually it was not.
- Weather is constantly unusual, and we need to be prepared for both the worst and best eventualities.
- At the same time, be aware of your average weather, because it informs our gardening – what we do and when.
Two important dates are the last frost of spring and the first frost of autumn. Do a search to find them for your location, if unsure.

In recent years the temperatures have increased. Since 2004, I have recorded a mean temperature of 10.5 °C/51 ° F , rising to 11 °C/52 °F from 2013 to 2020.
Sunshine is slightly lower, and rainfall about 5% higher since 2007. In spring 2020 I purchased and had installed a weather station at Homeacres – a Davis Vantage Pro 2.
See my Weather video:
Terms I use in my teaching, explained in a few words

Downloadable PDF: Glossary
Plant Families

Downloadable PDF: Plant Families
Spacing Guide
Downloadable PDF: Vegetable Spacing Guide
Harvesting timeline
A broad guide, by main months
Timings vary according to the variety grown, covers used and weather – this is temperate oceanic

Downloadable PDF: Harvesting Timeline